Jolanta Ciesielska
You know, that You are my idol at every view on reality...Many thanks, Mr. Rebstock for such a high level of your photo performances! and their pleasure form of visual communication!
In my past, I was a curator in the Photography Department at Museum of Art in Lodz, Poland,(this is oldest Museum of avant garde art in Europe, founded by artists in 1934). and for me it is a great black hole, such great as an antic tragedy there isn't not enough representative collection of American Photographer. Maybe the Future appeared better for them when You will come to Europe? November 12, 2019
Jocelyn Bolduc
Oh so dangerous path. Dark night of the soul... Then repentance and, hopefully redemption. Narrow is the dood.
Jocelyn Bolduc
Philip Rebstock ...path, a camel in the eye of a needle. I
Silver Michaels
Philip!!! what a stunner this one is!! To the eye, you often blur the lines between a painting and a photo, and I think that's my favorite of all your enviable qualities.
January 1 2020
Bill Cipolla Photography,
One used to think, represented the world as it really is. What I love in your work is that you, like other great artist/photographers, restore the mystery the lies at the very heart of the real. And you do it quietly.
Febuary 22 2019
Zamali Dória
"Viajar" em suas fotos é um mergulho no inconsciente...
"travel" in your photos is a dip in the unconscious...
Elisabeth Lapoléon Chantriaux
"Window on the courtyard"... Hitchcock.
Everything is shadow, mystery...
Great atmosphere!
Patricia Lehrke
Anticipation.Thats what I feel when looking at this.Mixed with a bit of wonder.
Febuary 9 2020
Dominique Tardler
Magnifique.... une oeuvre à la fois poétique et puissante qui donne à rêver
Magnificent.... a poetic and powerful work that gives you a dream
August 16 2019
Lex Lutther
Philip Rebstock What I like, some
photographers, maybe will
use a tripods use a small aperture
on the cameras lenses, and
we can see the light as they really are,
but You let it explodes as
small suns through the trees...
Febuary 8 2019
Jolanta Ciesielska
Today, you have so nostalgic, full of
melancholy mood.I like it, also and using b/ w photos emphasis it even more.You are the
world champion of photography , Mr. Rebstock.I love your photo images!
January 7 2020
Jean Pierre Alexis Gaydurenmatt
Ainsi pendant ce pénible silence imposé au corps défaillant vous continuez votre sentier vers l'excellence et l, 'émotion des lieux; comme vous j'aime cette fragile armée de lances comme les verticales de Carpaccio, ces armes de hast et leurs épis énigmes de semaphores pointés vers les directions les plus diverses; c'est bien de rendre hommages à ces humbles graminées que l'on appelle en français "herbes folles" trouvant pâture partout sans emploi sinon de pousser à l'admiration ;au dessus d'elle on imagine un ciel qui est un étang ou un étang qui est un ciel d'eau dans un bleu d'orage granulé de buée lunaire! que c'est beau!
So during this painful silence placed on the failing body, you continue your path to excellence and the emotion of the place; as you I love this fragile army of lances like the vertical of carpaccio, these weapons of hast and their riddles ears pointed. towards the most diverse directions; it is nice to pay tribute to these humble grass which is called "crazy herbs" finding pasture everywhere without a job but to push to admiration; above it we imagine a sky that is a pond or pond that is a sky of water in a of storm blue of lunar fog! How beautiful!
September 20 2019
Jean Pierre Alexis Gaydurenmatt
Cher ami qui me rendait la vie tellement plus simple et acceptable en revenant les yeux et les bras riches de trésors qui naissent devant votre objectif disposant tous deux complices ou acolytes qui veulent inoculer la beauté jamais fanée;, et vous voilà occupé de matières nouvelles dont personne n’avait à ce jour entrevu la densité esthétique; votre démarche qui part de l’émotion matérielle cette expérience des sens according to vllllll
Dear friend who made my life so much simpler and acceptable by returning my eyes and arms full of treasures that are born in front of your goal having both partners or friends who want to inoculum the beauty never faded ;, and here you are busy with new materials of which no one has yet seen the aesthetic density; your approach that starts from material emotion this experience of the senses according to to
To the French philosoph Gaston Bachelard. I get no risk at all when I can assert that if was yet alive he would get the first flight destination Your Texas conspiring to give you the best opportunity for an inédit experience by the 5 sensés of the amazing world ! Oh sometimes I am tempted in despite of this cruel and ugly disease which forbids the most innocent trip and I commonly saying that Parkinson The monster assiégeant ma pensée and stealing my life ( you know it z’the first time I dare speak about this big source of anguish shared in an eerie and awful way by many artists including said L’oeIl a Coruscant rêvéw for arts in a recent issue Salvador Dali damned to an exhausting shivering with an utter analogy to St Guys dance in the past far before the horror gets the name from a peaceful botanist notorious too for leaving his name to a thorny yellow and tropical shrubs that lives a few yards from my loft I just hope not having bored you with these private details and respectful of your time and words I decided to write you in English although I am not very skillful in this point
Philip Rebstock
Jean Pierre,,,,,your words are of beauty and insight despite the sadness you endure! During the last 10 years of my return to the photography medium...I have both been hindered and thrown forward by my battle with cancer! It has taken from me ... but it has also given back more ! What I feel I see more clearly now , I also feel you may have found benefit despite the obstacles constantly thrown at you...it rings strong and loud in each word that you write!!! I can only be thankful for each part you share and cheer you on to never stop..All the best and many thanks !!
Jean Pierre Alexis Gaydurenmatt S
Qui touche de la compréhension partagée avec ceux qui ont eu m aille à partir ( idiotisme pur frenchie que j’abAn donne à votre sagacité me convainquant aisément de votre aptitude en ayant au passage goûte votre excellent coup de plume que n’ont pas toujours le hommes et femmes cette facilité et cette faconode
Who touches the understanding shared with those who have had me go to leave (idiom pure frenchie that I will give your wisdom easily convincing me of your ability by having, by the way, taste your excellent feather that men do not always have, and Women this ease and this this
Jean Pierre Alexis Gaydurenmatt
Parlons un peu de votre opus qui avance looking for thé mysteries of being T
You show a great easy ness of building nice and enigmatic mosaic seeming for
The too rapid And flirting with the non sense or losses of meaning I have no prétention it definitive intelligence of your way freely choses and about your dialogue with the material you have in mind it’s the conviction you don’t try only new appearances of the Being on the model told by Heidegger you are interested in motion and lines of energy
As said by physic of particles you show the beauty of geometric attractive forces and for example the Golden thread like a jewel tracked by an arch of compass you are delighted by the mighy play of limbs in move le pli vu on a non ironed sheet it’s a kind of travel in the heartbeat of an haunted world
September 23 2019
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I’m so in awe of all your works. You always amaze me, my friend. This is a magnificent collection once again! Congratulations!